Melbourne Cup Day with #teamelite 2023!
Elite Print Solutions Scholarship for The Royal Women's Staff Scholarship Program 2023!

On the 15th of October, our enthusiastic team embarked on a memorable journey as participants in the Nike Melbourne Marathon, a momentous event that not only tested our physical endurance but also fostered a strong sense of camaraderie. Despite the looming clouds casting a slightly somber atmosphere, the spirit and determination of our team shone brightly throughout the entire experience.

We want to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Daksha Gill and the entire team for their remarkable achievement in completing the run. Each step taken represented a testament to their resilience, dedication, and commitment to pushing personal boundaries. The Nike Melbourne Marathon provided not just a physical challenge but also an opportunity for personal growth, teamwork, and the celebration of individual accomplishments.

The event showcased the true essence of #teamelite, as our members supported and motivated each other every step of the way. Whether it was navigating through the challenging course or overcoming moments of fatigue, the collective spirit of our team prevailed, turning what could have been a gloomy day into a vibrant celebration of achievement.

As we reflect on this exhilarating experience, we recognise that participation in events like the Nike Melbourne Marathon goes beyond physical fitness—it embodies the principles of teamwork, resilience, and the pursuit of excellence. We are immensely proud of our team’s performance and look forward to future opportunities to challenge ourselves, grow together, and continue embodying the spirit of #teamelite in all our endeavours.

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